Robert Auletta Biography (1940-)

Addresses: Home: 161 Prince Street, New York, NY, 10012; Office: School of Visual Arts, 209 E. 23rd Street, New York, NY, 10010; Agent: Helen Merrill, 337 W. 22nd Street, New York, NY, 10011.

SIDELIGHTS: "I keep wrestling with America. You can't walk a stepwithout running into dramatic material. None of us will ever set to the bottom of it, but the attempt has to be made. Journalism can only go so far. Dramatic fiction has the edge over it all, I believe, including movies and novels.The theatre today commands a special perspective on reality. Only the stagecan address itself to the multi-dimensional ebb and flow of images that constitute our present day 'realism.' America is a dramatist's dream--if only he is careful not to lose himself amidst the hallucinations of its constantly shifting landscape. England has produced some very good play-wrightslately--full of seriousness and style--but they lack the Whitmanesque poetryand tragedy of our best work. If only we could overcome our hyperactive commercialism; if only our regional theatres could regain some of the purity andpurpose that first inspired them; if only our most conservative playwrights were not continually encouraged at the expense of the innovators; if only ouractors were offered alternatives to 'making it' other than movies andT.V. ... Still and all, the audiences are out there waiting for the living word, the inspired action, that image of America that offers both pain and pleasure in quick succession."

Birth Details
March 5, 1940
New York City

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