Steven Seagal Biography (1952?-)

Surname is pronounced Say-gal; born April 10, 1952 (some sources cite 1950 or1951), in Lansing, MI; raised in Lansing and in Fullerton, CA; father, a high school math teacher; mother's name, Patrizia Seagal (a medical technician);married Miyako Fujitani (a dojo owner), 1975 (divorced, 1986); married Adrienne La Russa, 1984 (marriage annulled, 1984); married Kelly LeBrock (an actress and model), September 5, 1987 (divorced, 1996); companion of Arissa Wolf;children: (first marriage) Justice (also known as Kentaro), Ayako (an actress); (third marriage) Annaliza, Dominic San Rocco, Arissa; (with Arissa Wolf) Savannah. Addresses: Office: Steamroller Productions, 4117-1/2 RadfordAve., Studio City, CA 91604.; Agent: Cassian Elwes, William Morris Agency, One William Morris Place, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.; Manager: Gerry Harrington,Brillstein-Grey Entertainment, 9150 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 350, Beverly Hills,CA 90212; Jason Barrett, Jason Barrett Entertainment, 1401 Ocean Ave., Suite301, Santa Monica, CA 90401.

Actor, producer, martial arts expert, writer, songwriter
Birth Details
April 10, 1952?
Lansing, Michigan, United States

Famous Works

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