Burt Bacharach Biography (1928?-)

Born May 12, 1928 (some sources cite 1929), in Kansas City, MO; raised in Forest Hills, Queens, New York, NY; son of Bert (a columnist) and Irma (maiden name, Freeman) Bacharach; married Paula Stewart (a singer and actress), 1953 (divorced, 1958); married Angie Dickinson (an actress), 1965 (some sources cite 1966; divorced, 1980); married Carole Bayer Sager (a songwriter), March 30,1982 (divorced, 1990); married Jane Hanson, 1993; children: (second marriage) Lea Nikki; (third marriage) Cristopher Elton; (fourth marriage) Oliver, Raleigh. Addresses: Agent: William Morris Agency, One William Morris Place, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 and 1325 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019.; Manager: Kraft-Engel Management, 15233 Ventura Blvd., Suite 200, ShermanOaks, CA 91403.

Composer, conductor, arranger, performer, producer
Birth Details
May 12, 1928?
Kansas City, Missouri, United States

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