Vincent Gardenia Biography (1922-1992)

Born Vincent Scognamiglio, January 7, 1922, in Naples, Italy; died of a heartattack, December 9, 1992, in Philadelphia, PA. Actor. Gardenia, a respectedcharacter actor, won several awards in his long career on stage, on television, and in film. Gardenia began performing in New York in the 1950s, appearingin plays such as The Visit, The Brothers Karamazov, and The Powerof Darkness. He received Obie Awards in 1960 and 1970 for Machinaland Passing through from Exotic Places, respectively, and in 1972 hewon the Antoinette Perry Award for The Prisoner of Second Avenue. Hismany film roles include his Academy Award nominated performances in Bang the Drum Slowly and Moonstruck. Gardenia's television career beganwith small roles in 1950s television dramas like Body and Soul, and hewent on to appear in All in the Family, Breaking Away, and L.A. Law. In 1990, he won an Emmy Award for his performance in the television movie Age Old Friends.

American, Italian
Birth Details
January 7, 1922
Naples, Italy
Death Details
December 9, 1992
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

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