Juzo Itami Biography (1933-1997)

Original name, Yoshihiro Ikeuchi; born May 15, 1933, in Kyoto, Japan; committed suicide, December 20, 1997, in Tokyo, Japan; son of Manasaku Itami (a filmdirector); (second marriage) married Nobuko Miyamoto (an actress), 1969; children: (second marriage) Mansaku, Manpeii (both sons). Avocational interests: Cooking. Career: Director, producer, actor, and writer. ItamiFilms, California, founder, 1989. Also worked as a commercial artist, boxer,television reporter, and magazine editor. Awards, Honors: Numerous Japanese Academy Awards, including 1984, for The Funeral, and nine Japanese Academy Awards, including best director and best screenwriter, 1988, for A Taxing Woman; Gold Hugo Award nomination, Chicago Film Festival, 1997, for Supermarket Woman..

In 1992, in front of his Tokyo home, Itami was attacked by Japanese gangsters, the yakuza, after his film The Gentle Art of Japanese Extortion wasreleased. He suffered knife wounds on his face and neck and was hospitalized.Later, five gangsters were convicted and imprisoned.

Director, producer, actor, writer
Birth Details
May 15, 1933
Kyoto, Japan
Death Details
December 20, 1997
Tokyo, Japan

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