Michael McClure Biography (1932-)

Addresses: Home: 264 Downey Street, San Francisco, CA, 94117; Office:California College of Arts and Crafts, 5212 Broadway, Oakland, CA, 94618; Agent: Helen Merrill, 337 W. 22nd Street, New York, NY, 10011.

"Beginning with The Beard, McClure's plays have stirred controversy and elicited sometimes extreme reactions. The Beard has been calleda 'classic', but it was closed by the Los Angeles police at fourteenperformances. In addition to his plays and poetry. McClure has published essays and articles on topics ranging from art and censorship to liberation; hissong, 'Mercedes-Benz,' was made popular by the late Janis Joplin. Hedescribes himself as a 'mammal patriot' and is dedicated to the survival of the environment. He believes biology can improve our understanding oflife and of poetry and literature."

poet, playwright, educator
Birth Details
October 20, 1932
Marysville, Kansas

Famous Works

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