Tim Kelly Biography (1937-)

Addresses: Home: 8730 Lookout Mountain Avenue, Hollywood, CA, 90046; Agent: Bill Talbot, c/o Samuel French Inc., 25 W. 45th Street, New York, NY, 10036.

"My plays fall into three categories; adaptation; works I do under commission; and wholly personal, creative efforts, which are always the toughest to promote. Where do I get my ideas? Nowhere. Everywhere. What we need are not so many young playwrights--they're all over the place--but some young producers. Old ones, too. Essentially, I'm a storyteller. To a certain extent, Isuppose, I do favor plot over character. What advice would I give to the aspiring playwright? Don't let anyone put you or your play down. If you don't believe in your play, no one else will. And remember--there are no creative absolutes. Don't let anyone tell you differently."

Birth Details
October 2, 1937
Saugus, Massachusetts

Famous Works

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