Bill Moor Biography (1931-)

Addresses: Agent: Marilyn Szatmary, c/o J. Michael Bloom, Ltd., 400 Madison Avenue, New York, NY, 10019.

"One role which influenced my acting enormously was Queenie in Fortune andMen's Eyes. With the help of the director Michael Nestor and the willing, open and considerable talents of my fellow cast members, they taught mehow far you can go in a characterization, how really indomitably character must be portrayed. I was encourged continually to go further. What I finally discovered was that the farther I went, [I released] all myself into the character without my knowing it at first. It was a wonderful experience to play the role for a year and a half. During that time I believed that I could do anything. That's a good faith to develop for an actor. It's certainly exhilarating. After being in New York for 12 years I had finally reached the phase where I no longer had to take outside jobs, and was able to make my living by acting. That's one of the many personal rewards for having played that role."

Birth Details
July 13, 1931
Toledo, Ohio

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