Jean-Claude Van Damme Biography (1960-)

Original name, Jean-Claude Francois Van Varenburg; born October 18, 1960 (some sources cite 1961), in Saint-Agatha Berchem (some sources cite Brussels), Belgium; immigrated to the United States, 1984; son of Eugene (an accountant and owner of a flower shop) and Eliana Van Varenburg; married Maria Rodriguez,c. 1984 (divorced, c. 1985); married Cynthia Derderian, 1986 (divorced); married Gladys Portugues (a bodybuilder, model, and actress), 1987 (divorced, c.1993); married Darcy LaPier (an actress), February 3, 1994 (divorced); remarried Gladys Portugues, June 25, 1999; children: (third marriage) Kristopher,Bianca; (fourth marriage) Nicolas. Addresses: Agent: International Creative Management, 8942 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211-1934.

Actor, producer, director, stunt performer, choreographer, writer
Birth Details
October 18, 1960
Saint-Agatha Berchem, Belgium

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