Gates McFadden Biography (1949-)

Full name, Cheryl Gates McFadden; born March 2, 1949, in Cuyahoga Falls, OH;married John Cleveland Talbot (an actor); children: James Cleveland. Addresses: Agent: Innovative Artists, 1505 Tenth St., Santa Monica, CA 90401.

Actress, choreographer, director, playwright
Birth Details
March 2, 1949
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, United States

Famous Works

User Contributions:

Dave M
Gates McFadden appeared in a late 1970's or early 1980's TV series in the U.S.A. I don't recall much about it but I do remember the name Gates McFadden in the credits and I seem to remember those extremely long legs of hers. The show didn't run long, maybe a few weeks. What was the name of this show?

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